Thursday, November 30, 2006

It's my birthday today, the story so far...

'Twas the dawn of my birthday
It is my 25th birthday today. And it all started with a phone call from my mum : ) at midnight, Denise prancing around in my room, and me looking like a mickey mouse gone wrong.

Breakfast with the hillbillies (starring Denise as Beryl Brownie, Levke as Luscious Lady, and Mindy as Percy the Penguin)
'Come and knock on my door, take a step that is new....'

8.15am, Beryl Brownie knocks on my door. I open it and to my amazement, dear old Beryl is standing there, quite gracefully, with a Pret chocolocate croissant (this season's must have) and a cup of cwaafee, how sweet. Whats more, the dear Brownie dunked a pink candle in the croissant too! Apparently Beryl Brownie ran upto to Canary Wharf real early to fetch this hot chocolate croissant.

I had my birthday breakfast, accompanied with GHD (Good Hair Day) and make-up. Beryl Brownie wrapped up a rather sparkly heart shaped necklace : ) and Luscious Lady bought me some much needed make-up. Now that's something that definaly flaps my penguin-ity...Percy is loving it

Arrival into work
So I enter the building, the secuirty people raise to their feet, form a choir and boy am I knocked off my feet... they start singing Happy Birthday, suited and booted passers by stop and watch, I put a spring in my step and begin to dance... what a show, bravo!

Lunch at Nando's

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Haha.. soundsl ike you're having yourself quite a blast there on your janam din (birthday for non-desis).

You forgot one important part of your birthday - i called you righta fter your mom! around 1 a.m. if i recall correctly as i got the time difference wrong because we now have daylight saving time here this side of ze poind.

A big kiss to u dahling!

your secret admirer
ok not so secret