Friday, December 01, 2006

The rest of my birthday


Mindi-licious (Naturally)
Beryl Brownie (Denise)
Luscious Lady (Levke)
WTF (Carol)
Paresh : )
Hummus bi tahina (Sooki Dooki)
Babaganoush (Bobby Sanchez) - Pls click to see the Babaganoush
Aajjagavinderpreetpal (I think)
Phorcious Phillipa (Phil)
Alex The Great
Clari - The Lasagne Maker
Gimp (Arfan)
Dave ; )
The Groover
Le Matt
Krazy Egg Kev

We started out in 38 after work, where a moody 'les' works. Ended up in Brodie's... exposed some wacky dance moves including: the infamous Airplane dance, Beg on ze knees, Running Bi man, Bhangra (had to be there), sizzlin salsa, and a few lame attempts at a robot dance, oh yeah and obviously hipsters from Shakira.

Strutted and stumbled off back home, after Alex The Great's ridiculous attmepts at breaking and entering the Canary Wharf Ice Rink....

Arrived home to find the Gimp in my bed screaming out 'Don't look, im nearly naked' ... Great one! I was actually supposed to sleep in Beryl Brownies room, but I was locked out, Great one! So I had to return to the Gimp. I was soooooo trying to sleep, but the Gimp just could not stop the old snoring act!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nice blog good work