Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Here is a picture of a few pumpkins we carved out last night. Denise and I decided to head out for a bit, since it was Halloween and our spontaneity was rewarded as soon as we stepped out of the door.

We were merrily walking down the street when we spotted some youths hanging around the corner.

Denise: Those kids better not throw eggs at us
Mindy: Yeah...

SPLAT !!! Those bleading kids started to throw some eggs our way. We screamed and run (I definitely tried to run anyway)
And they chased us down the street. What a joke. We ended up in Bank at this place called New Moon in Leadenhall Market, we were quite happy entertaining ourselves with the food menu (yes, we like to live at the heights of excitement). Then these two chaps started talking to us, and one of them, can't think of his name, was oh-so-interested in Denise, and I spent about an hour trying to understand what she does at work. I was in hysterics. In an attempt to make my laughing not so obvious, I covered my face with the menu, and all that was visible was a body shaking like it was being electrocuted !

Anyway then we went home, trottled off Blackwall DLR.... and saw a couple of Brokeback Mountain's walking n whistling down the stairs... so freaky!

WTF we have a bit of an any problem at home, in fact we have named the ant Martin.... and the most embarrassing thing just happened.... I just picked up my bag and put it on my desk and a couple of Martin's began crawling over this very keyboard....

BTW FYI we have even had pest control in our house, and the Landlord reckons the Martin thing is over ... OBVIOUSLY not!

Eeeewwww Yuk, help someone, please?


Anonymous said...

Mindymoo, What's a 'Brokeback Mountain'...?

Anonymous said...

i think the pumpkin on the left is Mindy! mwahahaha